Exploring Ethics and Leadership from a Global Perspective


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A Decentralized Future

Transcript In this module we are going to talk about some of the key reasons that people are calling for FinTech innovation, and one of those main things is the decentralised status, the nature of this, thus democratising finance and allowing regular people to participate more fully and affordably in financial transactions through technologies like cryptocurrency, non-government-issued IDs, peer-to-peer lending,

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Transcript Accountability is really a subset of governance and regulation and is essentially a question about fairness and who is responsible when things go wrong.  Many of the governance structures that we rely on in society try to make it clear who is accountable when a problem arises. But as you will see throughout the book, as the world gets

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AI and the Trolley Problem

The trolley problem has long been a thought experiment used to explore the complexities of ethical decision-making. It presents us with two scenarios involving a runaway trolley and the choice between causing harm to a smaller group or a larger group. In recent years, this moral quandary has taken on new relevance in the context of self-driving cars. As autonomous

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AI and the Trolley Problem -Cultural Differences and Biases

Transcript One of the most interesting things to come out of the MIT study was the way various elements of culture and biases came out and the potential programming implications from an AI perspective. The media reported the study was talking about the cultural implications of this Moral Machine. Basically, different cultures prioritize life differently.  The study found that Chinese

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AI and the Trolley Problem -Cultural Lag

Transcript On March 18, 2018, Elaine Herzberg was pushing a bicycle across a four-lane road in Tempe, Arizona, United States, when she was struck by an Uber test vehicle, which was operating in self-drive mode with a human safety backup driver sitting in the driving seat. Herzberg was taken to the local hospital where she died of her injuries, making

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AI and the Trolley Problem -Trust and Proximity

Transcript David Lee asked David Bishop a tricky question.  “David, you’ve been a passenger in a car that I’ve driven before. So, who do you trust more, me or the autonomous-driven vehicle?”  Now think about this question yourself. Who do you trust more? You or your friend who is driving the car or an autonomous-driven vehicle?  This is a question

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AI Application – Anti-Human Trafficking

Transcript You may recall that we discussed the potential issues and misuse of facial recognition. And, when it comes to facial recognition, it does seem like that a majority of what is covered in the media focuses on the potential pitfalls or the potential negative consequences of this technology. We keep hearing fears and threats of a rising big brother

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Apple vs FBI

Transcript In December 2015, unfortunately, there was a terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California. The two attackers were eventually killed and the authorities recovered an Apple iPhone from one of the attackers. The FBI, however, were unable to access the iPhone because it was encrypted, which meant there was a security password needed to enter the phone. The problem the

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Apple vs FBI – Trust

Transcript So,  how do you feel about this case?  On the one hand there is a really challenging scenario where the FBI was trying to prevent crime. As we mentioned previously, any type of criminal prevention is largely reactive. So as a criminal agency or a law enforcement agency, you want to be as proactive as you can and as

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Apple vs FBI -Accountability

Transcript Now on the question we have asked several times: who is responsible for protecting our data?  The short answer is you, at least that’s where it should start.   Both of us are parents of young children and we are trying to do a better job of educating our children about privacy and data than our parents did. This is

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Apple vs FBI -Cultural Lag

Transcript Are there countries that have instituted certain types of controls or filters? And do we feel that those things are necessary? And do we feel that those are the type of things that as users, we should hand over to the government? If not, where do we draw that line?  This is tricky. Many people would look at certain

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Apple vs FBI -Privacy

Transcript We kind of flew by the fact that the FBI asked Apple to build a backdoor in the first place. We may have assumed that they could build a backdoor into the phones if they wanted to, and they could access this data whenever they wanted, assuming the agreements would allow it.  What about the idea of a technology

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Application of Smart Contract

Transcript When you think of something “smart”, it should just evolve and solve problems for you, right? Well, it’s certainly not the case in Smart Contracts.   The concept of smart contracts has been around since the 90s, and yet, the vast majority of people don’t know what it means or have never actually used one before. This is because,

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Artificial Intelligence and FinTech

Transcript Imagine that a friend invites you to a concert with your favourite musician performing. Wow, what a great friend, huh? As you and your friend enter the lively concert venue, you notice an impressive kiosk covered with multiple screens showing video footage of your favourite musician performing. You stop for a few minutes to watch some of the videos

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Billion Dollar Bank Heist

Transcript In February 2016, at Bangladesh Central Bank’s headquarters in Dhaka, something occurred that laid bare the profound weakness in the global financial system. When banks move money around the world, they use a system called SWIFT – Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication – which is a consortium that operates a trusted and closed computer network for communication and

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