Islamic Finance – An Introduction
Transcript Islamic Finance is a key aspect of emerging economies, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia. It has experienced rapid growth, with Islamic Finance
Initiated at the University of Hong Kong, the Connecting Ethos Project represents a digital repository of multimedia resources designed to enhance the teaching and learning of ethics and leadership from a global perspective, connecting concepts from both the East and West.
The most admired leaders and organizations are ethical. They reflect ethos, often defined as character or guiding beliefs. Though this is widely understood, there is a tremendous gap in how we teach ethics and develop ethical leaders.
Informed by teaching in both classrooms and boardrooms, the project has curated a collection of diverse resources to bridge this divide. From exploring traditional ethical issues to unpacking questions that arise from the challenges posed by AI, the Connecting Ethos Project is designed as a continuously growing platform freely available to learners, educational institutions, businesses, and governments.
Please learn, share, and contribute as you join us in connecting ethos.
Transcript Islamic Finance is a key aspect of emerging economies, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia. It has experienced rapid growth, with Islamic Finance
Transcript Confucius was born in China almost 2,500 years ago, and he is probably one of the most famous Chinese philosophers. His teachings are now
Transcript Daoism is a Chinese philosophy developed by Laozi and his disciple Zhuangzi more than 2,000 years ago. Unlike other ethical theories such as Kantian
Transcript Let’s look at another example and talk a little bit about credit, a pillar of the modern financial system. For many people in the
Transcript In an age where data is supposedly the new oil, FinTech companies have raised serious concerns about data protection and compliance, especially in light
Transcript In February 2011, Ross Ulbricht, under the pseudonym Dread Pirate Roberts, created the website platform Silk Road, where people could buy anything anonymously and
The trolley problem has long been a thought experiment used to explore the complexities of ethical decision-making. It presents us with two scenarios involving a runaway trolley and the choice between causing harm to a smaller group or a larger group. In recent years, this moral quandary has taken on new relevance in the context of self-driving cars. As autonomous
Transcript You may recall that we discussed the potential issues and misuse of facial recognition. And, when it comes to facial recognition, it does seem like that a majority of what is covered in the media focuses on the potential pitfalls or the potential negative consequences of this technology. We keep hearing fears and threats of a rising big brother
Transcript In December 2015, unfortunately, there was a terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California. The two attackers were eventually killed and the authorities recovered an Apple iPhone from one of the attackers. The FBI, however, were unable to access the iPhone because it was encrypted, which meant there was a security password needed to enter the phone. The problem the
Transcript In February 2016, at Bangladesh Central Bank’s headquarters in Dhaka, something occurred that laid bare the profound weakness in the global financial system. When banks move money around the world, they use a system called SWIFT – Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication – which is a consortium that operates a trusted and closed computer network for communication and
Transcript As many of you know, Hong Kong is dynamic, global, and one of the most interesting cities in the world. A part of Hong Kong’s story that most casual observers are not aware of is that embedded within Hong Kong’s cosmopolitan makeup are hundreds of thousands of women that provide childcare, home care, and other household duties for many
Transcript Banks have used the past decade since the financial crisis to rehabilitate their image, some more successful than others. But one bank has recently gone above and beyond in reigniting the general public’s disdain towards financial institutions. If banks are built on the foundation of consumer trust, Wells Fargo has systematically dismantled that trust leading to an uncertain future
Transcript Southeast Asia is one of the fastest-growing regions for FinTech. It’s super diverse in terms of culture and people, but also levels of economic development. On one hand, you have one of the most developed, futuristic countries in the world with Singapore, but then several countries in the region where the populations are predominantly unbanked or underbanked. When I
Transcript Often when we think of AI or algorithms, we think of something impartial and neutral, something that is simply acting based on pure facts. And this is one of the reasons why we humans have begun using AI to help us with more subjective evaluations and decisions. If we can remove human error from the decision-making, that would lead
Transcript In February 2011, Ross Ulbricht, under the pseudonym Dread Pirate Roberts, created the website platform Silk Road, where people could buy anything anonymously and have it shipped to their homes without any trails linking back to the transaction. Named after the historical trade route that connected Europe to East Asia, Ulbricht founded Silk Road with the desire to create
Transcript Let’s look at another example and talk a little bit about credit, a pillar of the modern financial system. For many people in the world, credit is part of everyday life, ranging from credit cards to borrowing money from a bank to buy a home. For many, the ability to access and use credit is largely defined by a
Transcript In an age where data is supposedly the new oil, FinTech companies have raised serious concerns about data protection and compliance, especially in light of the recent spate of global cyberattacks as the presence of valuable personal information makes FinTech companies increasingly attractive targets for cybercriminals. So, let’s dive into another story. On Monday, November 24, 2014, a typical